a day in the life | december edition

The winter depression has kicked in early this year.  The season has only just begun and it brings with it, frigid days, lots of snow, layers of clothing and yucky roads.

I miss tending to my garden.

I miss camping.

I miss being able to go out and feed the chickens without wearing an abundance of clothing.

I miss seeing the kids run around in the backyard in only their undies.

I miss seeing my childrens chubby barefeet and sweaty little heads that want to get cooled off in the pond and seeing the dirt packed in their fingernails from playing so hard.

BUT, winter won’t last forever. So for now we will try to enjoy what we are given, a warmer day now and then when we can free ourselves from being indoors. I will enjoy every hour, ,minute and second that God has given me with my beautiful babies. For He has blessed me greatly.

Don’t forget to follow the circle to my talented and ever so sweet friend, Callie Augustin, when you get to the bottom of this post!











Follow the circle over to Callie Rose Photography here

and you can find her facebook page here

4 thoughts on “a day in the life | december edition

  1. Jeanna I love these photos of your kids so much and your words were beautiful!!! I still don’t love this nearly 80 degree winter weather we’re having. You’re photos make me want to come visit you! I love the cold though, always have. 🙂

  2. I hear you when it comes to winter. I’m already so over it! Thankfully, after tomorrow, the days get longer again! Hang in there and keep making your beautiful art–it saves us all!

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